Course curriculum

    1. In 2035

    2. Introduction to dis/misinformation

    3. Overview of the tools

    1. Meet your guide, Truth Seeker

    2. Quiz intro

    3. Overview of the module

    4. Introduction to CT

    1. CT FUNDAMENTALS: Logic and Argumentation

    2. Toolset 1

    3. Practice - arguments of flat earthers

    1. CT FUNDAMENTALS: Rhetoric

    2. Practice - Analyzes

    3. Practice - Quiz

    1. CT FUNDAMENTALS: Reasoning

    2. Toolset 2

    1. BARRIERS TO CT: Bias

    2. Toolset 3

    3. Practice - Wason selection task and Solomon Ash

    4. Practice - Discover your implicit bias

    5. Practice - Discover your implicit bias

About this course

  • Free
  • 27 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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